Leyton Healthcare
NOTICE 24/03/2025
Please be aware we have a new telephone number which is 020 8090 3531
If you recently received an email from an email address starting with "no-reply.accurx" and ending with "@nhs.net".
We can confirm it has been sent by us and is a legitimate email.

E-consults can be submitted between 08.00 - 18.30 Monday to Friday or until the daily submission limit has been reached. To submit an e-Consult click here or the picture above
E-consults should be limited to one issue per submission. Please be aware that E-consults relating to multiple issues may be rejected. This service is NOT for requesting repeat medication. Please see the prescription page to find out how to request repeat medication.
For all medical certificate or sick note requests please ensure that you have "self-certified" for ONE WEEK before asking for a extension. Please ensure you state that you have self certified for one week when you submit your request. Please submit your sick not request on the date it is required as sick notes will be given from the date of submission. Click Here for our Sick Note Policy. Medical certificates/sick notes will be sent out via email please make sure you include your email address in the eConsult request.
Please note that you may be contacted by text or telephone
If you need assistance outside of these hours please contact NHS 111 Online https://111.nhs.uk/
Serving You
- Our team is here to treat minor ailments as well as manage long-term conditions
- You are able to do the following from home
- Order a repeat prescription
- Make an appointment
- Request an online consultation
- Cancel an appointment
Partners in Care
Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.
Online Access
You can now change appointments online via the link below. Please note you will need to register for this service.
You can now register for online services without coming to the practice on the NHS App Click here for more information

If you require an interpreter to be booked for your appointment, it is better that you telephone or visit the Practice in the normal way as a member of our reception team will need to book this for you.
Care Quality Commission
(Site updated 24/03/2025)